forever after
If you're looking to kill a few, check this out. Go to the portfolio, and browse the before/afters. Be sure to hold down on BEFORE.
-brusha, brusha, brusha-
If you're looking to kill a few, check this out. Go to the portfolio, and browse the before/afters. Be sure to hold down on BEFORE.
jane: She is the only skater ever to land a quadrouple jump in competition. She is just showing a bit of inconsistancy here. That's sort of been the problem with her - she can be amazing to watch at times and then not do so well other times.
Flew solo to the very sold out sigur ros show at the paramount in denver last night. The paramount has assigned seating, so it was by complete chance that I actually wound up sitting next to bill! The opening act, amina, was made of of four women who also serve as sigur ros's string accompanyment during their performance. Amina played a quick set, and I'm kinda bummed I missed the first couple of songs because they were performing IDM-ish type stuff with live instruments - pretty cool.
jane: She did what a lot of contenders are afraid to do. Good for her. What a competitor!
Had a somewhat unexpected, but extremely enjoyable set of guests in town this weekend. Old family friends from france, currently residing in Brighton ENG, were in town visiting with my parents. Their son who, when I met him 14 years ago, went to the other school in Cannes, and not mine in Nice, came along for the stateside journey.
Wow! Visa should re-do their adverts that feature Lindsey Jacobellis trying to get jazzed up before her big race. Instead of her coach telling her that her visa check card was just stolen, he should tell her that she just got her gold medal yoinked from her when she bailed after a completely unecessary grab off the last jump of the boarder-cross medal race.
Big ups to Seth Westcott - first gold medal winner in the snowboard cross! Now halfpipe is cool and all, but it just encourages those grimey punk ass park rats that are constantly underfoot. I'm way more in tune with the older school free ride spirit of the boarder-cross any day.
Last night on the olympics, we got a couple of shots of boulder. Once in the beginning of nbc's broadcast when they showed Jermey Bloom running up the steps inside of Folsom Field. The second came later when they were doing the bio on Julia Mancuso, and they showed her singing and dancing down Pearl Street. And then of course Toby Dawson, of vail, scored bronze in the men's moguls.
cat power - The Greatest: I'm beginning to like this just because I've heard it on the radio so damn much lately. I don't think I could listen to the whole disc in one sitting, but the songs do make for calming interludes.
"How the 'ell am I suposed to be able to do a line in front of complete strangers when I knowz they've all got camera phones?"
Won a pair of tix to the sold out Devotchka valentine's concert at the boulder theater on friday. Robert joined me for the show, featuring the last minute addition of a certain mr. Eric Bachman solo performance, which is what really motivated me to go. Acted the part of super fan in the photo below (holy crap - he is one tall guy), then layed low the rest of the weekend, watching the olympics and writing papers.
Seriously this is THE album of 2006!!! The lips that flame are wicked it right now (they have been teetering on the edge of infamy since 'in a priest driven ambulance'). If you're a clever clog, you can find this (think this little piggy, or I'm sure any number of other sister type sites). Otherwise it hits the shelves on April 4...
Here's my {mostly} blow by blow of this year's grammys:
Headed up to copper saturday to be welcomed by close to a foot of fresh, and proceeded to spend the rest of the day knee deep in it. Below you can see the powder hound with his partner thrill seeker glorifying below the timberline lift:
I finally got set up over at MySpace. Bear with me, it's still in progress. But apparently it's a lot more now than friendster is these days.
film school - s/t: I may have reviewed this already, but I just started listening to it in earnest this week, and I'm digging it. Harkens back to some of the rougher edges of early Cure.