14er of july
For 4th of July weekend, Steph & I went camping up off Guenilla Pass. We headed up friday and found a nice secluded spot a bit off the road. Once we set up camp, we went for a short hike checking out the flora & fauna nearby.

We also had a nice raging river close to us.

The biggest score was this fire pit the previous campers had left behind.

Choppin' wood for the massive pit.

Fire pit in action!

Saturday morning we planned on hiking the Bierstadt 14er, but when we got up to my car, the front tires were way low on air. I had a similar problem wit the rear tires a couple weeks ago - the bead seal was leaking from years of crud on the wheels. So we had to go to Evergreen to the Big O and get them resealed so we wouldn't wind up stranded on the pass. We had to wait a while and got some breakfast at a baglery. By the time it was all done, we missed the window to finsih the hike before adverse weather, so we just headed back to our campsite and chillaxed.
Sunday morning we headed back home and spent the day unpacking/cleaning/etc.
Monday morning Steph raced in the Avery 4k on the 4th race behind the brewery. We met up with Barb and some other F4 folks and bumped into Greg whose mom was running (and won 2nd in her age group). After beers & breakfast we headed home and prepped for our BBQ with Meg & Paul. After dinner we walked to Waneka for the revival of the Lafayette fireworks which were dang good for a small town.

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