Thursday, June 30, 2011

meaty beaty big and braggotty

Tuesday I bottled up the Bee Boy Braggot. Very curious to try this as well, should compliment the Kiwit well for refreshing summer brews. I had the radio on while I was sanitizing my equipment and scored a free pair of tickets to see the Meat Puppets on wednesday - awesome!

At the show, I bumped into Miko, one of my old glass blowing friends from Diablo who, coincidentally enough, had also won tickets.

miko marc meat puppets

The show wasn't too crowded and we had a killer view. The band was having a great time, and played a phenomenal set. We only got one track from their excellent new album, but their were plenty of other highlights, one of which was a wicked cover of the Beach Boy's 'Sloop John B'. Of course I spaced catching a video of that, so here's 'Sam' instead:

I'm a Mindless Idiot
The Monkey and the Snake
Up on the Sun
Comin' Down
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Oh, Me
Touchdown King
Hey Baby Que Paso
Confusion Fog
Swimming Ground
Seal Whales
Sloop John B
Lake of Fire
My Baby's Gone
The Battle Hymn of the Republic

You can stream or download a copy of the show over at Live Archive.


Monday, June 27, 2011

the mighty st. vrain

Wednesday night we had dinner over at Barb's where we sampled a bunch of my homebrews. Friday we met up at the Rio for some drinks to celebrate Lauren's b-day.

Saturday morning Steph & I headed up somewhere between Ward & Jamestown for a short backpacking trip up along the St. Vrain, which was raging. We took the snowmobile route and pretty much had the trail to ourselves save for an expedition of Jeeps heading down the trail at one point. After about 3-4 miles, we opted to set up camp since portions of the trail were pretty washed out. And we found the perfect spot where someone had crafted a pretty swanky bench near the fire pit.

bonus bench

Since the river was going full-force, I crafted a little mini fridge off to the side where some run-off had created a nice pool I re-enforced with some rocks so our beverages wouldn't get swept away.


Sitting near the banks provided us with a nice place to cool down and ponder.

the thinker

We headed back out in the morning, and the trip was a success - we were mainly trying out a bunch of new gear and making sure we didn't bring too much stuff or deciding if we needed anything else.

hiking out

Monday, June 20, 2011

yo la westword

Friday I bottled the Kiwit. I'm looking forward to see how this one turned out.

Saturday we headed to downtown Denver for the annual Westord Music Fest. Traffic was a bit zany since it was gay pride weekend also, and I had to pull a little 'oops I didn't notice this was a one-way street' maneuver to get into the Sheraton parking garage.


We grabbed some subs at the Mellow Mushroom on the 16th Street Mall before heading over to the golden triangle for the festival, and got there right when the Sword were finishing up.


Del the Funky Homosapien was up next and put on a lively set - he performed a bunch of songs from across his various projects including 'Clint Eastwood' for his encore.


The crowd thinned a bit, so we moved up in front of the soundboard for Yo La's set. They were on the Spinning Wheel tour, but played a regular set since it was a festival setting. Still some sweet breakouts.

tengo la yo

Big Day Coming
Evanescent Psychic Pez Drop
Today Is The Day
If It's True
Mr. Tough
You Can Have It All
Deeper Into Movies
Nothing To Hide
Tom Courtenay
Little Honda
By The Time It Gets Dark

Chromeo was this year's headliner and they hit the stage right when it started getting dark and performed a fun filled set which had us dancin' with fancy footwork.


Don't Turn The Lights On
I'm Not Contagious
Outta Sight
Call Me Up
Hot Mess
Waiting 4 U
Bonafied Lovin (Tough Guys)
You're So Gangsta
Momma's Boy
Night By Night
Fancy Footwork
Needy Girl
Grow Up


After the show was over, we went back to Mellow Mushroom and picked up a pizza for the room. I love that place, and wish the one they used to have in Boulder would have lasted.


Sunday we took it easy and had a relaxing father's day BBQ at 3959.

fathers day

Friday, June 17, 2011

ra ra rochester

Left the house at 4am to catch an early flight to Cleveland, and then luckily our three hour layover was erased when we got bumped to an earlier flight. So we got to Rochester a few hours earlier than planned which was nice. My step-aunt(?) Bobette picked us up in grandpa's swanky crown vic and we checked into the wrong hotel (we discovered later when the budget inn down the road called to ask where we were). But this one was actually closer to grandpa's house so it worked out.

crown vic

After we settled in, we picked up grandpa and headed to Olive Garden. At 93, he was still sharp as a whip cracking jokes, and could get around with just a cane. After dinner, he whipped up a round of manhattans for us and we watched old comedy videos.

the guys

Grandpa's usual routine includes watching classic movies until 2am and then getting up around noon. So tuesday morning me & my dad took in the sites around the city. We started off at the Kodak House/Museum. They were in between exhibits but still had some of the civil war stuff that had not yet been taken down, and of course all the old cameras.

old cameras

We also toured the Eastman house and watched an interesting movie about how he created his photo empire.

kodak house

We had worked up quite the appetite, so we headed over to the Seabreeze area to get some good ol' fashioned white hots and onion rings.

vic and irv

After lunch we stopped at Abbot's Custard and took a quick look at lake Superior. We took a tour through Greece and saw all the old houses my dad lived in before heading back to the downtown area. We took a look at the new Red Wings stadium (a farm league for the Twins), when we spotted the Genessee brewery in the distance!

red wings

We walked across the High Falls Bridge.

high falls

And the brewery was on the other side a ways off. So we decided to go back, grab the car, and try to find some sort of tap room and get a tour.

genny factory

We eventually found the main office, with a single security guard and this nifty display case. The guard was super friendly and gave us a rundown of how they almost went out of business when Boston Beer company stopped using them as a bottling facility when they bought Old Latrobe. Luckily they got some investment capital and took over operations for Labatt's, Dundee, and Pyramid along with some other small regional NY breweries. He also told us there were no brewery tours at the moment but they were planning on building a new taphouse restaurant, gift shop and the works in the coming year.

genny showcase

Then he hooked us up with some sales rep who took us out to his van in the parking lot and gave us a ton of stuff - coozies, hats, and a bunch of t-shirts. (Edit to add - the security guard sent me another box of t-shirts in the mail a couple weeks later!)

genny tanks

After our adventures we headed back to gramp's and went to a local italian joint for dinner where he was on a first name basis with the owner - Micelli's. After dinner we headed back to his pad and we had some local beers and stayed up late again talking about old stories and family history.

upstate brews

Wednesday morning we went to checkout downtown Fairport and the Erie canal. We had hoped the draw bridge would eventually raise but no luck.

fairport bridge

We got some great subs for lunch at Dibellas, then worked on packing and shipping some of grandpa's electronics, cameras & a telescope. That evening we ordered pizza and watched the Bruins win the Stanley Cup!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

a place to bury junk

Friday night we met up with Lizzy at the Vine Street Pub (the Mountain Sun of denver) for dinner. Most of the same brews at the boulder locations, but they also had a black IPA which stood out. I had one of the sandy specials - some type of cuban. After dinner we headed over to the Bluebird to catch A Place to Bury Strangers and the Overcasters since I had scored some free tix. The show was wicked loud, pretty dark, and extremely intense - it took the wind out of me.

Saturday was the community yardsale here at Milo. It was really more like the community junk showing. LauRenn joined us for a bit, and we pretty much just donated everything to goodwill once the clock struck noon.

Monday, June 06, 2011

burger time

Friday night we walked over to Carley's for a burger cook off. Our contribution was a greek burger, right in theme with our neighborhood. It was a lamb burger with feta, cucumber sauce, and banana peppers on a pita - yum! I don't really recall any of the other submissions because there were so many and they all started to blend after a while. And it's always handy when you can stumble across the street and you're home!

Saturday we took it easy, eventually riding bikes down the Coal Creek path to downtown Louisville for a picnic. We finally cracked the Odell Friek we had, and it was darn tasty - a sweet sour!

odell friek