spring dump
Woke up thursday to close to a foot of snow, and it was still coming down hard. I made it into work eventually. Campus closed down early so steph was able to pick up my things from milo so I could camp out in Boulder. We had a late snow day at her place which culminated in On Demand Rolling Stones karaoke. All told friday morning we got about 2 feet, but I was able to make it into work ok. The mountains were getting pounded all week so we packed up the car and headed to Beaver Creek with greg & lisatron saturday morning for some fresh dump spring skiing - wicked! Stayed most of the day and unfortunately hit some gnarly traffic on the way home. Went over to jacq's to watch the DU hockey game only to find out that they had been eliminated in round 1 - boo! Did homework sunday, then we went to see I Love You Man, which was hilarious - slappin the bass.