sia hits the slopes

It all started innocently enough with a trip to the dentist monday. I hadn't been in a couple years, so I wasn't totally surprised that I had some cavities. The dentist told me not to beat myself up about it , though, since they were really small and in tough to clean areas of the teeth. They were on either side of my mouth so we scheduled to do them in two visits, the first of which was wednesday afternoon. So even though I wasn't so stoked to get novocaine injections, it was nice to leave the office a bit early.
I was in Denver all day wednesday for another Realtor Rally tradeshow. And got out of town just before traffic got really bad due to some accident somewhere. The last hour of the show my co-worker scored some free drink tickets, and that coupled with the sunny drive home got me in the mood to grill out a bacon, mushroom cheeseburger. Which I did.
The Sweet Tomato restaurant recently re-opened in Lafayette. So now we have 2 italian restys and the half dozen mexican ones. Anyway, thursday is all you can eat spaghetti & meatball night, so I took steph as celebration for her new job position. It was pretty fun, since our waiter overfilled our wine carafe. Went to the gym friday after work then just chilled out with a dvdtron.
After work friday I got stuck in some serious rush hour traffic on my way to jacq's new place for her housewarming cocktail party. Jean '08 was visiting for the week, but we all called it an early night.
This past week was pretty nonstop. I didn't get much sleep after the built to show thursday night so after work friday, I took a pow-wow over at steph's before meeting up with GW & heidi at half/fast subs, home of the personal pitcher. Another night on the hill as their was an Om Records dj party at the Fox that evening. We were painfully early as Style of Eye was on the decks spinning a rather proggy set. Next up local