cream of wheat
This past week was pretty nonstop. I didn't get much sleep after the built to show thursday night so after work friday, I took a pow-wow over at steph's before meeting up with GW & heidi at half/fast subs, home of the personal pitcher. Another night on the hill as their was an Om Records dj party at the Fox that evening. We were painfully early as Style of Eye was on the decks spinning a rather proggy set. Next up local

I was up bright and early the next day, not for skiing this time, but to help jacq with her move. Loading, transporting, unloading took us 'til about 2.30 at which time I went home and took a long and deserved nap, waking up to pretty much veg out in front of the teletron the rest of the night.
Sunday I finished up my last group project and take home test for my stats class while Steph was kind enough to initiate some spring cleaning around milo. We finished up our projects in time to catch a twilight showing of Be Kind Rewind which was a lighthearted Michael Gondry directed film starring Jack Black & Mos Def as zany video store clerks who made 'sweded' versions of films which were oft times better than the original due to their brevity and clever resourcefulness.
w, there is a Clay Ivy out there?
There is a Clay Ivey here...
guess what I am going to fail algebra
Ooops. It's just Ivy actually. I got them confused.
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