weekend '08
After work friday I got stuck in some serious rush hour traffic on my way to jacq's new place for her housewarming cocktail party. Jean '08 was visiting for the week, but we all called it an early night.
We were up bright and early as usual saturday morning again - GW picked us up, then we picked up jean at headed to the basin. We were well ahead of schedule and mowed down on a big butter braid we brought for breakfast. There were light flurries most of the day and fun with crayola markers. After a solid morning of riding '08, we broke for Q'in, which took forever since the propane tank kept getting too cold for its gaseous emissions to work properly. Once we ate, we hit the roiued.

Later that evening we celebrated Jeff's b-day at his place with a nice cool keg of Dale's Pale and various other libations. Slept in sunday, mainly due to the time change. Then did some Sam's club shopping and moved jacq's old couch back to hillside. Later that afternoon, steph & I took a stroll around Waneka and had yummy enchiladas for dinner.

How do you like Lafayette? Im Wendy's friend James from Atl & I think we're getting a house in Old Town soon..
Swell - it's conveniently located close to boulder, not too far from denver, and has plenty of grocery stores to boot.
...and plenty of mexican restaurants too!
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