beware the ides of march
The Sweet Tomato restaurant recently re-opened in Lafayette. So now we have 2 italian restys and the half dozen mexican ones. Anyway, thursday is all you can eat spaghetti & meatball night, so I took steph as celebration for her new job position. It was pretty fun, since our waiter overfilled our wine carafe. Went to the gym friday after work then just chilled out with a dvdtron.
On the rhuad for a-basin at 5.30 saturday morning, and got a beach spot even though we weren't really tailgating. I was kind of tired all day, but there was a bunch of fresh snow and leaving at noon was just the right amount of riding for the day. It was sunny back in town so we grilled out some hamburgers at my place then power napped before heading to boulder for our evening festivities.

We picked up jacq, then GW on the side of the roed, made a pizza, and killed a bottle of vodka at steph's before walking to the boulder theater to catch the bassnectar gig. When we arrived, elliot lipp was performing some pretty cool IDMish stuff. Then some dorkin beatboxer bored me to tears, before mr. nectar took the stage. Add in some brews & tequila shots and the night got hazy pretty quick. After the show we somehow stumbled back to steph's and called it a night.
On our way back to Milo, we drove by the boulder camel living on a farm off valmont. The story goes that the camel was brought there temporarily until it could be relocated to some other zoo, but it became best friends with the horse that already lived there so there it stays. I had planned on a day of errands and chores around the house, but it was gloomy outside and the couch was far to inviting.

(camel on the right)
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