They're cude and cuddly, but what are they supposed to be? Survey says: germs & maladies. Screw beanie babies, Giant Microbes are the way to go for any occassion!

-sanitized, neph-
They're cude and cuddly, but what are they supposed to be? Survey says: germs & maladies. Screw beanie babies, Giant Microbes are the way to go for any occassion!
Catch and Release, a new movie starring Jennifer Garner, will feature a scene that takes place at the Boulder Daily Camera newsroom. According to the script, her character will be interviewed by a "male, 40s, and crunchy" character who asks her what she thinks about Colorado's "prairie dog issue". Her proper response is that we must "learn to coexist peacefully with other residents on the planet."
Archer Prewitt - wilderness: Another solo album from the Sea & Cake's guitarist. He's great with Sea & Cake, but a little drab on his own. If you want to hear a good S&C side project, check out Sam Prekop's solo work instead.
Be careful what you pose for. Four models, who posed as wife beaters for a series of public service ads with captions such as, "Successful executive. Devoted churchgoer. Abusive husband," are now suing the city of new york citing that the ads have stayed up past their supposed 5 week run. They claim people now think that they actually do beat their wives. This begs the question, do they get confused for religious business men as well?
The conditions couldn't have been better at Copper saturday with 6 inches of fresh powder style - absolutely ripped all day. Hot dog of the day award definitely goes to Derrick for launching a helicopter off the onion roll and clearing the guy who cut him off just moments before, and was still standing at the top of the jump like an idiot. Stopped by the Rocky Flats Bar & lounge on the ride back with Paul. It's one of those places you just have to check out some time. Imagine that bar that's located just outside of the county line that only serves domestic beer, and the entire menu is fried. Classic.
Here's some more new & future album summaries:
You know it's still winter when you break your scraper on the impenetrable sheet of ice on your car in the morning. A hot bucket of water later, and I was in business so no worries.
Living here in Colly, we often forget the plight of the less fortunate who are not located near snowy mountains. In turn, some of these folks are forced to resort to unusual methods in order to get in their anual riding or skiing season. Having ridden the sand dunes of Truro, MA with an old board in summers past, I can kind of relate to the 'any means necessary' approach some must take. But not everyone has sand either. So, what do the other half do? To help answer this ponderous riddle, Aurelie just wrote a great piece on the increasingly popular snow domes popping up in parts of northern europe. They really should add some of these domes to snowboard/ski shops so we can demo gear...
Funny how the conservatives who want to keep Terri Schiavo alive are the same ones who support the death penalty. According to Allan Lichtman, head of the history dept. at American U., the congressional intervention "contradicts a lot of what those behind it say they believe: the sanctity of the family, the sacred bond between husband and wife, the ability of all of us to make private decisions without the hand of government intervening, deference to states and localities as opposed to the centralized government."
I spent the weekend working with Third Street Chai at Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, CA. Started my travels off thursday with a couple guiness at DIA and a nap on the plane. Met up with the crew (john, jamie, kimmy) who had just arrived back at the hotel pretty late from an evening of drinking and just crashed.
Boulder was one of the first cities in the nation to implement a smoking ban in public places back in 1995. Several other cities in Colorado, and across the US, have followed suit in recent years. With any luck, a bill may pass this week banning smoking in all public places across the entire state of Colorado.
The SXSW Music Conference is going on this week in Austin, TX. Known primarily for showcasing mostly unsigned or independently labeled bands, they have recently added films & obviously some other things as Sam Brown was the proud winner of the Interactive Big Bag Design Competition. I wonder if this drawing of Sam's from SXSW was made in honor of Merge Records.
In case you missed it last week on the teeveetron, here's the latest trailer for Star Wars: Episode III. I absolutely cannot wait to see this.
It's wintery again, and I like it.
Another quick round of OC style friday night because Saturday the fam headed to copper to begin celebrating paul's 60th style. What can I say - GREAT day of riding, the conditions & weather were sweet style. That evening for dinner we went to Aqua Pazza, a new iti place over by the walnut lofts, which was yum style.
Crooked Fingers were great last night. They only got 45 minutes of play time, as they allowed their local tourmates, Devotchka, to headline last night's show. Former Archer's bassist, Matt Genting played his first show with the Fingers last night - too bad they didn't break out some old Loaf faves. Setlist:
New Order has a knack for putting out albums every 2-7 years or so. And since their forthcoming album, Waiting for the Sirens' Call, will only be their 8th studio output of new material since they rose from the ashes of Joy Division in 1980, it's stateside release date of April something or other is cause for some ceremony. Unless, of course, you just stumbled upon a copy from your favorite file spreading dot com and you can celebrate early. In the UK, promotional scarves have been made available to promote the album. They remind me of the inflatible buoys & album covers they used to promote Repubulic years ago. So, does the new disc merrit the hype? Who cares - hype can be fun, especially if you can participate.
Quentin Tarantino is in the process of negotiating a deal with New Line Cinema to direct the latest installment of Friday the 13th. He was recently turned down to direct the upcoming Bond film, Casino Royale. It looks like I'll have to wait until 2006 for my ninjas.
I just won a pair of tickets from 1190 to the Crooked Fingers show at the Gothic on thursday! I'm rather pleased by this. Some may know the lead man, Eric Bachman, from his old north carolina outfit, the Archers of Loaf. If you want to hear why I'm excited, you can stream the entire new Crooked Fingers disc, Dignity & Shame.
Got off to a jump start this morning jiving to a little Lanemeyer & the Movie Life along with my breakfast. Right now I'm listening to a Built To Spill show from the Pyramid Alehouse, Berkley (2004 nov 6) where they're playing pretty much all new material. I can hardly wait for the new album to be completed, but knowing how doug operates in the studio, it will likely take forever. One of the new tunes is appropriately titled, "The Wait".
Started the weekend off with a quick (and early) round of the OC game at j&d's. We were all heading up to copper super early the next morning, so we took it easy. Fade into 4.30 am saturday morning. I woke up before my morning paper was even delivered. We were worried about the parking sitch since copper had sent out emails that there was to be no onsight parking for the Gravity Games, and you would have to take a shuttle from Frisco or Silverthorne to get to the mountain. As it turns out, you could still park at the mountain, which we did because we were there by 6.45. Our early arrival afforded us the luxury of breakfast at Jax's and of course many fresh runs.
Let's start by crowning this week's most ridiculous name for a band: Les Breastfeeders. Sunny side up, indeed.
*nephew is out today, so what follows is some material from a retired LJ account*