mile after mile
Friday I hosted a small dinner party. I provided the wine and the ladies the food, most of which was cooked by stephanie. The guys got steak & onions, and everyone had the zuchini walnut linguini, and raspberrie asparagus. My neighbor complained about my 'dinner music', then apologized for complaining during a breakdown about something or other. We gave her a piece of jacq's (meg's?) cake to cheer her up, then turned up the music.
Greg rolled into town saturday and after numerous cocktails at my place, we all headed down to the rio to sync up with dylan and eric, who was visiting from CT. We lost one member of of party to the spins, and another chipped a tooth trying to remove a banner with his teeth, but we foraged on to trilogy for some dancing. Ule Brenner was trying to start a fight defending the junkie who was having trouble putting on her shoes, so we split to check out the new y-bar which has taken the place of styr. Much to our chagrin, they are exactly the same - kind of lame. We wound up staying there for a good long while in our self-proclaimed vip area nonetheless. Mowed some gyros on the walk back, and witnessed pearl street erupt into chaos with all the bars emptying.
Still slighlty spinning from the night before I met up with paul to go check out the boulder open beach volleyball competion over at the boulder resevoir. It was being televised on FSN, so it was pretty hectic with a dj and mc and those silly thundersticks. Pomp and circumstance aside, it was right cool to see misty may and kerri walsh dominate their opponents. The guys' final match was more balanced, with metzger and lambo edging out gibbs and rosie ever so slightly. After the match we headed back to hillside for a belated family birthday bbq.