Sunday we met up with Wink for brunch at some place in Wicker Park, then he dropped us at the festy. Turned out to be a super sunny day, and most of the mud from the day before had dried or was mulched over. The first band of the day was Times New Viking, who sounded better than on their record, a little 'fuller' without the overwhelming treble assault. Next up was the Dirty Projectors, who were a pleasant surprise despite some PA problems with the vocals. I only have their most recent disc,
Rise Above, their homage to Black Flag's
Damaged. The new material they played has me eager to hear their upcoming release.

We had a bit of a break to go recharge with some lunch and brews before the Apples in Stereo took the stage. Super cheery as always, they had us dancing and singing along and such.

Next up was Les Savy Fav, who I was extremely stoked to see. I love these guys, and the lead singer is a total nutter live. He had all sorts of batshit crazy costumes as well as a video camera attached to his head band, which the y would cut to on the jumbo screens every now and again while he foraged into the audience. During one such exploration, seemingly out of now where and right next us he was suddenly hoisted up by the crowd inside of a trash bin. Killer set
and they closed with the Superchunk track, 'Precision Auto' - wicked!

There was a bit of a scheduling snafu with some of the requisite Wu-Tang members who were slotted to play the main stage next, which moved the Dodos into that slot instead. I was more than psyched about this since they were originally scheduled to play the third stage during Spiritualized - boo. Anyway, I'm glad the Wu was stoned, or late, or both because the Dodos were spot on live, including some very impressive trash can playing.
After they played, we grabbed some dinner. I had this delicious cevapichi wrap, and I was stoked because when I had it last year they had run out of the garlic red pepper sauce. So when it was time to add that on, I over compensated a bit and my wrap was swimming in it, which would have been just dandy, except I wound up dropping it into steph's nice white cloth purse bag - oops!No time to worry about it as we headed over for Spiritualized's set which was awesome, it reminded me of an indie rock Pink Floyd with his backup singers. Looking very much forward to a full set at the end of september when they come through denver.

Caught the first 20 minutes or so of Dinosaur Jr.'s set before heading over to the third stage for Cut/Copy, who were a no-show. Total bummer, because we had planned on capping off the weekend with their set,
and missed Dinosaur Jr. to do so. Oh well, the rest of the day was pretty sweet. I guess they wound up making it 2 1/2 hours later and played 4 songs. But we were already back at the hotey.
It was raining again in the morning, but we were heading home so no biggy. The flight was fairly uneventful, I realized I had already read all the magazines I brought on the way there, but I did see a bunch of cool crop patterns.

Got home to milo and there was a big ol' rainbow there to greet us.

Chilled out the rest of the night, then tuesday went over to stpeh's to sync up with the cable guy. We also amused ourselves by trying to make bowls out of old records. It was more difficult than it looked, mainly because we were using some really old records that were pretty thick.