soco gadget gospel
Friday night I went over to steph's for dinner and was surprised with a pretty wicked early birthday present - a new cruiser bike! It's bright orange and has white wall tires. Some assembly was required and I'm going to have to bring over my tools to finish the joerb.
Had to get up early saturday to meet the painter back at milo so they could touch up where they messed up the front door. Chilled out, had some lunch, then greg & lisa came over and we headed to coors field parking lot for the free SoCo Music Fest. Got there just in time to catch a brief set by local faves, the Hot IQs. Then we walked over to the main stage area for a rousing set by Bassnectar. It was pretty fun being right downtown and rocking out. See for yourself:

As dusk approached Blonde Redhead took the stage. They played a set heavy on material from 23 but delved back into the catalog as well for a nice balance. Great set, it'd be a shame if they really are breaking up after this tour.

They spaced the acts so that right after one on the main stage, one played on the second stage which afforded us the luxury of seeking refreshments during whatever other local acts were playing. And it gave us a chance to sync up with steph's pals who arrived later. The lot began to fill up as it got dark, as most people prolly just showed for the headliner, Gnarls Barkley. Dressed in black dinner jackets, the Barkley boys played with a full back up band and mixed up the material between their two albums, including the perennial hits 'Crazy' and 'Gone Daddy Gone', all very well executed and high spirited. For the encore Cee Lo came out swigging on a bottle of Southern Comfort cuz hey, after all they paid for this whole thing. Let's hope it returns next year!

Sunday we chilled at my place in the morning as I whipped up some breakfast & mimosas. We watched Wristcutters: A Love Story, then I went for a run before heading over to hillside for Lauren's b-day cookout. Croquet & badminton were the lawn games of choice with a southwestern food theme.
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