I'm sitting here chilling in my hut after a half-day at the basin with GW, and I realized I haven't filled in my loyal readers with last weekend's shananigans so here you go...
Went to bed at like 9pm friday night since we were gung-ho to get a sweet spot at the beach at a-basin. We left boulder at 5.30, a full half-hour earlier than normal, but when we showed up it seemed like
everyone else had the same idea. What we didn't know that this weekend was the unofficial, yet extremely well attended, 'ski-jam' party. Some seriously crazy stuff, people had couches and chairs, living room furniture basically, out on the bottom of the slope, surrounded by strange sculptures made out of old skis and such. They even had a couple of bikes geared up like the paper boy in
better off dead. And speaking of that 80's ski movie vibe, we may as well have been on the set of
hot dog: the movie since the costume du jour was anything fluorescent, preferably one piece, and manufactured over a decade ago. And everyone had a grill, not just a swanky coleman camping range like ours, but full-on gas grills with the big ol' propane tanks. It really didn't matter that I was a complete dumbass and had all of the fixins for bloody marys, but left the vodka at home, because people had free flowing handles of the stuff at your disposal. We cut out around 3-ish when things were seemingly on a road to total meltdown. Besides , we had to get back and get in gear for heidi's birthday bash. I was the selector for the night, and the ladies took care of the food spread. It should be noted that baileys should not be poured into a chocolate fountain, as it serves as a coagulant.
Sunday I saw a bunch of dear just chilling about in someone's yard completely unfazed by my imposing a photo op. Went to sam's club with paul and stocked up on some of the essentials - red bull, coffee, brie, hamburgers, etc. Then we went tv shopping. They're getting a new entertainment hutch at hillside so they wanted a 46" inch lcd to fill in the space. So now I am the proud owner of the old sony 32" flatscreen dealio. It's a few years old, and although it has a flatscreen, it is far from thin and weighs quite a bit, so moving that will be an undertaking for next weekend perhaps.