boo face

Home sick today =(
Man I'm wiped. Another tit show (I believe that makes a pair). More funk on this on, whereas the first night was more of a rager. Sick 46 days, undermind through melinda was another high point. The guy next to me turned to me at one point and goes, "umm, do you realize this is melinda that's so jammin?" Indeed it was. Both shows were heavy on the jams which is a welcome change from the wham-bam-no-jams he pulled at the fillmore last year. Check out my pull over at COTapers.
Headed down to the fox around 7.30, found mike B in line, who thankfully advised me to ditch my pole because they were only allowing 5 stands inside. His was already at the front of the line with another guy so I wound up clamping with him and ethan. Our set-up looked like one of the medical droids they used to patch up darth vader. There were a mess of people outside looking for tix.
Woke up bright and early saturday morning to find boulder had been dumped on. This was exciting as I was already heading up to A-Basin with devin to catch our first turns of the year. A-Basin was the first slope to open this year, and there was only one lift running, and two trails open. Luckily we got in a few runs before the rest of colorado showed up. Riding before halloween is cool. Wound up heading to denvah to meet up with the gang at cru to see derrick. Tried to get everyone to head over to the shelter, but anything resembling organization kind of fell by the wayside after several flights of wine & champagne. So we all parted ways only to reconvene at the mountain sun for lunch and then a subsequent stroll down pearl, which included but may not have been limited to connor o'neils, pearl street pub, the lazy dog basement with the beat on couch, euro 7, and the west end. Oh, and I fell victim to the old someone-slipped-a-sensor-in-my-back-pocket and I set off the alarm at urbans. I offered myself up for a frisking, but I guess they're not allowed to touch the customers, so it kind of ended in a stalemate.
califone - Roots & Crowns: I picked up on these guys with last year's king heron blues, a chilling slice of dark folk. This release still has some of the folky element, but it's augmented with bizarre-o sound effects and some non-traditional song structures. The stand-out track is the cover of Pshycic TV's, 'the orchid'. This reminds me a bit of Bodies & Minds by the Great Lake Swimmers. A good album to throw on when the sun is tucked behind the clouds, or you're driving around town aimlessly.
Little slow on the recap this week, but here goes. Saturday CU finally won their first game oin saturday against Texas Tech. Of course, me, steph & GW opted just to tailgate and not go in. I had a feeling this would be the one. As it was not televised either, we met up with robert & angie at a pumpkin patch out in longmont. Everyone from the game wound up back at my place and we headed over to the Toad for some dinner, then pretty much called it a night. Sunday through tuesday I was in colorado springs doing the tradeshow bit for work. The show went very well, and there were plenty of free drinks which made casino night with dueling pianos at least tolerable. Driving home kind of blew due to the snow and rush hour by the tech center. Good thing about getting snow down here is that you know the hills are getting dumped on. Went and saw Donnie Darko on the big screen with lauren & stephanie last night. I'll have to say I enjoyed it much more the second time around, but it still begs the question as to how/why the casual loop all starts in the first place...
luna - Lunafied: Collection of cover songs spanning their carrer. I'd been waiting for something like this for a while, since I'd always had trouble finding their version of donovans 'season of the witch' after I heard it playing while browsing at criminal records eons ago.
Yo La tengo
It has finally gotten colder out. But not before we had pleasant weather this past weekend. Friday we celebrated stephanie's birthday with dinner at carelli's. It was a delicious meal, but on the way home I threw up a half dozen times. It must have been the cream sauce. No worries, as I was able to rally saturday morning for the CU tailgate & homecoming game. Jacq didn't have a ticket for the game, but was miraculously allowed into the stadium. Unfortunately, the Buffs lost (again). Too bad their schedule does not get any easier this season...
the Brian Jonestown Massacre
Well it looks like it may be cold war time again. Nukes have always frightened me way more than terrorism.
This is amusingly fascinating. Basically just type in two items, and see which one wins:
Took in a phenominal movie friday night, specifically the science of sleep (good call joe!). Post film, stephanie & I dined enjoyably at hapa.
Now I'm not quite sure what this is all about, since the blog I grabbed it from is mostly spanish, but it seems to be the missing piece of the puzzle from that pesky tv show, lost. Nifty:
Somewaht relevant sidebar: I now live nextdoor to an older woman who's a bit, no wait, way off in the head. All simple like, as in she doesn't understand the subtleties of small talk and being 'neighborly' for the sake of living in close proximity of one another. She feels the need to apologize for complaining about things that she should have left well enough alone if she'd taken her meds on time. Just now (no joke), I had to shut the door on her because she did not understand when I told her that I was busy watching the television and did not have time to talk to her (i.e., feel like listening to her apologize for whatever again). OK, rant over... for now.