Monday, October 23, 2006

first turns

Woke up bright and early saturday morning to find boulder had been dumped on. This was exciting as I was already heading up to A-Basin with devin to catch our first turns of the year. A-Basin was the first slope to open this year, and there was only one lift running, and two trails open. Luckily we got in a few runs before the rest of colorado showed up. Riding before halloween is cool. Wound up heading to denvah to meet up with the gang at cru to see derrick. Tried to get everyone to head over to the shelter, but anything resembling organization kind of fell by the wayside after several flights of wine & champagne. So we all parted ways only to reconvene at the mountain sun for lunch and then a subsequent stroll down pearl, which included but may not have been limited to connor o'neils, pearl street pub, the lazy dog basement with the beat on couch, euro 7, and the west end. Oh, and I fell victim to the old someone-slipped-a-sensor-in-my-back-pocket and I set off the alarm at urbans. I offered myself up for a frisking, but I guess they're not allowed to touch the customers, so it kind of ended in a stalemate.


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