the mighty st. vrain
Wednesday night we had dinner over at Barb's where we sampled a bunch of my homebrews. Friday we met up at the Rio for some drinks to celebrate Lauren's b-day.
Saturday morning Steph & I headed up somewhere between Ward & Jamestown for a short backpacking trip up along the St. Vrain, which was raging. We took the snowmobile route and pretty much had the trail to ourselves save for an expedition of Jeeps heading down the trail at one point. After about 3-4 miles, we opted to set up camp since portions of the trail were pretty washed out. And we found the perfect spot where someone had crafted a pretty swanky bench near the fire pit.

Since the river was going full-force, I crafted a little mini fridge off to the side where some run-off had created a nice pool I re-enforced with some rocks so our beverages wouldn't get swept away.

Sitting near the banks provided us with a nice place to cool down and ponder.

We headed back out in the morning, and the trip was a success - we were mainly trying out a bunch of new gear and making sure we didn't bring too much stuff or deciding if we needed anything else.

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