Tuesday, November 30, 2004

because you care

Usually when I'm at my desk I listen to Radio 1190 on the a.m. But lately there has been some really bizarre humming sounds (simliar to what I imagine x-ray interference might sound like) that overpower the music on the radio. It also interferes with the walkie-talkies that the guys in the back office use. Nobody knows why this happens, and what were initially short & very periodic bursts are now much longer and increasingly commonplace. So instead I've been kicking back with some random full-lengths during the business day. Here are the sounds and how they sound to me today:

pinback - Summer In Abandon (these guys have been getting better with each release *A-)
album leaf - One Day I'll Be On Time (way mellow, but never boring, instrumentalisms *B+)
architecture in helsinki - Fingers Crossed (whimsically mellow electronic indie pop - a bit too whimsical *C-)
fugazi - Red Medicine (not my favorite fugazi album, but fugazi nonetheless *B)
four tet - Late Nite Tales (random leftfield mixed disc, sounds like something I would do only not as clever *B-)
russian futurists - Let's Get Ready To Crumble (more electronic indie pop done right, absurdly catchy *B+)

-tone deaf, neph-

Monday, November 29, 2004

the long weekend

Wednesday - Everyone (angie, bobby, carolyn, robert, myself, but not brooke) thoroughly enjoyed the Blonde Redhead show. We proceeded to play a cutthroat game of Sorry! at the Atomic Cowboy. The night then miandered into random debauchery back at robert's which lasted well into the a.m. hours and resulted in a light load of laundry and a l o n g drive home, just in time for:

Thursday - Turkey Day. The fam + dylan & derrick feasted on a great meal laboriuosly prepared by mom. After desert, we all went and saw Finding Neverland - a great film, but not the most action packed. It was here I was nuzzled by the first of what would be many naps over the course of the weekend.

Friday - Game day. CU had to beat Nebraska in Lincoln today and Iowa State had to lose to Missouri on saturday if CU was going to win the Big XII north division (got it?). So, the tailgate crew gathered to eagerly watch the televised proceedings at Hillside. To everyone's delight CU won 26-20. After some rigorous frisbee w/ the guys, another nap crept in. We eventually wound up at Ian's parents' house and ate even more food. I think I was in bed by 10pm.

Saturday - woke up late, although just in time for the Mizz/ISU game, which Mizz won in OT (so, CU goes on to play #2 Oklahoma this saturday)! Then me, jacq & dyl met up with pat for the REM show at the Fillmore. Here's the setlist:

set: Get Up / Begin The Begin / So Fast, So Numb / Animal / Boy In The Well / Orange Crush / High Speed Train / Strange Currencies / The Outsiders / Imitation Of Life / Leaving New York / Drive / The Great Beyond / The One I Love / Final Straw / Losing My Religion / Walk Unafraid / Life And How To Live It
encore: What's The Frequency, Kenneth? / Exhuming McCarthy / Country Feedback / Permanent Vacation / I'm Gonna DJ / Man On The Moon

As it turned out, the rest of the long weekend coalition showed up (angie, bobby, carolyn, derrick & robert) and we all managed to sync up at the show along with our new buddy, The Navigator.
Apres show, we all went to a really smoky bar, and then to a less smoky bar.

Sunday - Day of rest.

-began again, neph-

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Going to see Blonde Redhead tonight at the Bluebird Theatre if my pals are willing to give a Japanese/Italian art rock band from NYC a try...

...in the meantime, the techno of the day is Sasha @ Shelleys, Stoke - February 1991. This one goes through the wayback machine and has one of the top ten "moment" songs: The Shaker Song. I'm also listening to Spiritualized's Lazer Guided Melodies today.

-left, neph-

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

from the why didn't I think of that dept.

I'm sure you 've heard about the Virgin Mary grilled-cheese sandy on e-bay by now. It was recently purchased by a casino for $28,000 for the purpose of display and t-shirt sales. The only downside to the whole deal is that the woman who "discovered" the likeness kept the thing next to her bed for 10 years.

Flatscreen tv's and HDTV are all the rage these days. I suppose that is all well and good, but I prefer these for style points.

I am going to try a new a new gym out tomorrow. I am taking a class called Terrrn & Berrrn - bicycle endurance training.

I saw Sideways over the weekend. I highly recommend it. Think Swingers in California wine country, only funny.

-templing, neph-

Friday, November 19, 2004

just in case...

...you want the The World's Longest Alphabetical Email Address, now you can have it. Not that it does much good, it gets picked up by anti virus software more often than not and it sure doesn't fit in the email address window in Outlook. So, there ya go.

I've heard this song more than once now, and absolutely dig it: "do the swimming dragon" by David-Ivar Herman Düne. Here is a 30 second sampling.

Friday's techno of the day is Danny Howells @ Cafe D'Anvers, Antwerp 13mar04.

Tonight is the third installment of the OC drinking game.

-over & out, neph-

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Loaf of Bread

Wilco makes a good point about the current state of music.

the 2 best "er" words so far

This week: crercerderl
From a few weeks back: mertervert



Some things I've been listening to rather frequently in my car, in no particular order:

Interpol - antics
the Faint - wet from birth
Bright Channel - s/t
GBV - half smiles of the decomposed
Tenki - view of an orbiting man
Junior Boys - last exit

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Wall of Fire Cripples Funwoody's Productivity

Dunwoody, GA. Man on percoset after knee surgery successfully installed 82 free firewalls off the internet creating the most secure non-productive home PC ever. Jay Starr, said. "yea, it made perfect sense at the time until I actually tried to do something on the computro."

Monday, November 15, 2004

methods and madness

While walking to the CU/KSU game (38/31!!!) on saturday, I looked down and discovered a huge grass stain on my leg, undoubtedly from climbing that fence with Robert on my way home down the creek path from Pearl the night before (red fish, hapa, trilogy, scumdowner) with that pitcher of PBR.

Went to Vinyl saturday night with Jacq and an unusually silent Robert, after Joaquin's new house party (Dylan & Ken went with us to Joaquin's also), to catch the Crystal Method spin a great dj set. The 2nd floor no longer has speakers, so the first floor was extremely overcrowded and we eventually left.

Some icing on the cake: Tara Reid alert!

-dailyness, neph-

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

beginnings & anniversaries

It's definitely the beginning of the end. This, along with the US refusal of the Kyoto agreement, is just plain unfortunate. Especially with these recent reports.

On a lighter note, we present:

This Day in History:
1969 - National Educational Television, the precursor to PBS, debuts a new children’s television program called Sesame Street. Of the show’s many familiar and beloved characters, only Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch (who at the time sported orange fur) were present at the show’s creation. You can play a trivia game to celebrate!


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Gearing up for T-day

Today I am fascinated by the following product:

The Jones Soda Co. Holiday Pack

I wonder if the Mashed Potatoe soda tastes buttery like those popcorn flavoured jellybeans?



Welcome to my fresh new web journal. Over the past year or two, I've been reluctant to begin a blog for lack of some significant event occurring with which to mark its beginnings. Today is no different than the last two years, but the Red Sox did finally win the world series. So sit back and enjoy my ramblings.

-flexin', neph-