ginger saison & kyle's brew fest
With our wedding celebration right around the corner, it was time for me to start brewing up our farmhouse ale - a ginger saison. The special ingredient - diced candied ginger:

Brewing went off without a hitch on a nice summer day, shaded by the big tree out back. Chillin' the wort:

French farmhouse yeast added and carboyed!

Saturday was Kyle's Brewfest at Boulder Beer. Kyle is (was?) the keyboardist from SCI. Not really a fan, but for $25 you got all the free samples of beer, a hamburger, and a souvenir pint glass. The band was essentially back ground music while we tried out brews from the (mostly) colorado breweries in attendance.

Kyle also worked on some collaborations with local breweries for limited release. This offering from Avery being my fave:

There was another I can't recall (pretty sure it was from Great Divide, and his new flagship beer for Boulder Beer:

After the fest we went back to Jeff's pool and mowed some Snarf's subs for dinner.