utah part 1
We cancelled our original graduation celebration trip to Mexico due to swine flu hysteria. So we decided to drive to Vegas and camp along the way as a last minute make-up vacation. To ensure the old subu was road-worthy, I took her in for some old-age reparations on friday. We hit the road sunday morning and drove along I-70 til we hit the middle of Utah and got into Fishlake national forest.

There is nu'in much to see past Glenwood Springs except buttes. Although we did spot an antelope and a big horn sheep.

We found a pretty sweet campsite along a creek, and scored by finding a big log to chop up into firewood.

For dinner we cooked up some freshmdae brats in some Old Chub - delicious! There wasn't a soul around since it was a sunday night and we were the middle of nowhere open range ranch country Utah, so it was odd to hear rummaging noises the next morning which we have concluded was merely a fox sniffing around.
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