thievery communikey
Another massive srping storm rolled in thursday, which was mostly rain but eventually turned into sleet on our 6 block walk to the sold out Thievery Corporation show at the Fillmore. It was packed and humid inside, but the Thievery came correct with a full live band - including drums, bass, guitar, sitar & horns, longside a handful of singers. The beer lines were redonk, but I found one where I could watch the show while I waited at least. Here's a more in-depth review with pix from the Denver Post.
The rain kept up all night and turned to snow friday. It only started to stick later in the day due to the shear volume falling from the sky. I headed to steph's after work and she made a killer 'tater skin' pizza and we watched some movies. Saturday I headed back to the paper mill. Steph came over later for some dark & stormy's and dinner at Waterloo. Sunday morning, the sun came out, I finished up my paper, then we rode bikes to civic plaza for the outdoor Communikey fest.

We left after a while and headed to the foundry rooftop for some food particles. Here's our receipt which itemized each individual 25ยข wing:

Did some brief shopping along pearl and got home in time for Breaking Bad.
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