mother's day
For mother's day we all went to the Rockies game. A nice 3-2 win over the Marlins to avoid the sweep. It was a bit overcast, which wasn't too bad so at least we were not roasting in right field. No rain until later on in the evening.

Had pizza over at Jacq & Andy's hut, and watched replays of last seconds of the saturday Nuggets since I missed it. Went over to Jen & Jeff's then piled everyone in my car at headed over to the B-side Lounge for night #2 of Gener. Another great show with only a couple of repeats from the night before.

golden eel
dont shit where you eat
Marble tulip>up on the hill
stay forever
buckingham green
flutes of the chi
voodoo lady
you were the fool
spirit walker
tried and true
deaner was talkin bout
even if you dont*
now Im freakin out
bananas and Blow
stallion pt.3
shame maker
she's your baby
The Argus
ooh va la
it's gonna be alright
squelch the little weasel
she wanted to leave
Someday (a capella)
*electric piano
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