utah part 2 / memorial day
The next morning we packed up, left town, and headed to the Hoover Dam. Here's a picture of the top of the dam from the Arizona side. Over to the top left, you can see where they are building a new bridge for 93 in order to reduce traffic driving over the dam.

We took the tour - here's a shot of the generators from inside.

After we were all dammed out, we headed north and eventually came upon Zion National Park area. Camping inside the park was full, but we were able to find a decent campsite not too far away. It was very sandy, but we were close to a river which was nice.

Hit the road bright and early, and several fairly uneventful hours later made it to the Arches / Moab area. It was the friday of Memorial Day weekend, so all the campsites in the area were full up. Now worries, since we had a backup plan - the little-known canyon site near the border we had visited once before. The skies were ready to break open, but we managed to get our tent up and fire going before they did. Luckily there was some extra wood left behind so we had a pretty raging fire despite the rain.

On our way back through western Colorado, we found out that Wesson was having a going away party in Eldorado Springs, so as soon as we got home, we hit the showers and headed down to his place. We went somewhat unprepared for grilling so we grabbed some pizzas later on when we left. Sunday, we saw the requisite summer blockbuster, Star Trek, which was better than I had expected. Monday the ladies ran the Bolder Boulder, then we all had a BBQ at hillside.

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