this is the way the weekend ends
Started the weekend off by celebrating V-Day with tix to see DeVotchKa at the Fox. Met up at Steph’s place with flowers and a card in hand. Got sweet curtains for Milo and a Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA brew. Turns out it’s 20% - I was wondering why I was a bit swervy when headed out...

The original plan was dinner at the Fat Cat noodle house, but it was closed for a private frat function. Stuck on the hill we then headed to Hapa which had a long wait. Wound up at the Sink eating a calzone and getting the daily beer special – Stella in a swanky glass we got to keep. We headed to the Fox and managed to get up front during the opener, Everything Absent or Distorted. DeVotchKa was up and somehow some dickhead wound up standing next to us. He started rows with jsut about everyone around us eventually tossing his drink over everyone including myself. So I chucked his hat accross the venue and made him fetch, twice. But then we moved back because he was a little loony and it was best just to leave it alone at this point before he really went psycho. The show was fantastic, they played a lot of material from their new album, A Mad & Faithful Telling (which has since leaked). It was a very romantic show, and they even had those crazy dancers that hang from the ceiling in ribbons.

The next day kicked off the BIFF (Boulder International Film Festival). We headed to the Hill again, grabbing slices for dinner. First we saw Southland Tales at CU – an IFS film in conjunction with BIFF, hand delivered by one of the film’s executive producers who happens to be a CU grad. Quite the cast, including the Rock), Mandy Moore, Cheri Oteri, Sarah Michelle Gellar, JT, and on and on and on. It was everything you could expect from Richard Kelly (of Donnie Darko fame) and it was certainly complex. After the movie, we were ready to party, but it was sorta late to make any plans, so we just grabbed more slices and then a brew at the Sink and headed home.
Being a long weekend, the plan was to hit the Basin on Sunday instead of our usual Saturday jaunts. Woke up and got opening weekend Rox tix, then headed to Hillside to complete some tax stuff. Met up with Steph and Greg and headed back to Boulder for more BIFF. This time we saw Charlie Bartlett at the Boulder Theater.. On the way, we stopped by Boulder Ski Deals and steph picked up some sweet new Burton boots. The movie turned out to be Running With Scissors light meets Harold & Maude trying to channel Ferris Bueller with Robert Downey Jr. After the movie, they had a Q&A with the director, but it was pretty boring so we jetted. Headed to Conor O’Neils since it was saturday night and all, but we headed home pretty early in anticipation of an early start the next morning to the Basin.
Hit the row-ad bright and early, burgers, brews, and grill in tote. It was cloudy and lightly snowing when we got there, but eventaully the sun peaked thru. Breaked for lunch and met up with Wesson and his buddy Steve. Hit a few more post-lunch runs and then headed out around 2. Had a chill night – dinner and TV with Steph.
Monday was a day off for President’s Day. And staying with the spirit of BIFF, caught the twilight matinee of There Will Be Blood. And there was. After that, hit up the gym. Capped the evening off with some great Mexican and the season finale of Prison Break.
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