Well, the Patriots finally fell apart and lost the Superbowl to the lame Giants sunday night. And our 'wicked pissah pats pahty' at neider's house in denver decended into cake smashing madness not too soon after.

Saturday was spent at the basin with GW. We bumped into matt, sonya, brody & dylan at breakfast and rode with them the first half of teh day. Conditions were prime once again, even thought visibility became increasingly difficult as the afternoon progressed. Grilled a steak for dinner with steph and called it an early night since I was wiped out from riding all day.
Friday night steph and I grabbed a quick bite on the hill and then saw the film, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead on campus. It was a pretty good murder mystery/caper film staring Philip Seymour Hofman, Ethan Hawke, and Marisa Tomei.
Nothing like being 18-1
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