meat to spill
After work yesterday, I picked up steph on the hill and we made our way into denver mowin' some cheba subs on the way. Had a couple drinks at robert & angie's then headed to the Gothic for the Built to Spill / Meat Puppets show. I was on the list (thanks 1190), but unfortunately door security said no taping tonight - boo. Some guy along with Jim & Scot from BTS opened the show, then the Meat Puppets took the stage. I'd never seen them before and they put on a great show. I was surprised that Chris was out of jail after he assaulted a postal worker with a cop's baton and got shot several times back in 2002, but he was and he seemed lively as ever. Next up Doug et al provided us with another phenomenal built to show. They even treated us with a couple of newer tunes - 'Canada' & 'Done'. During the epic sprawl of the encore, 'broken chairs', Curt & Chris Kirkwood took over for Doug & Brett Nelson. Would have been a great recording...

the wait
three years ago today
time trap
center of the universe
third uncle
goin' against your mind
stop the show
big dipper
wherever you go
carry the zero
broken chairs
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