bee boy braggot funpark
Friday I met up with Jacq for coffee and to give her b-day gift which finally arrived. The I ran a bunch of errands in the crazy weather which included wiping a pile of hail off my car. Then I met up with Steph at Boulder Beer for happy hour on our 6-month anniversary.
Saturday morning I started straining the honeycomb Renn had given me last week. It was a much slower, and messier process than I had anticipated. The day was beginning to get away from us for brewing the actual braggot, so I made a quick run to Sunflower to make up the difference in honey weight we still needed for my recipe.

The day was beginning to get away from us for brewing the actual braggot, so I made a quick run to Sunflower to make up the difference in weight we still needed.

Once the boil began and we added the malt extract and honey, a swarm of honey bees descended upon us on the back porch. They were harmless and really just going nuts at the smell of the sweet honey and malt boil. Once I added the hops they dissipated a bit. But we now had mascots and a name for the brew = Bee Boy Braggot.

Later that night after we were done brewing, we cooked up a rack of ribs for dinner and watched The Tourist, which was ok.
Sunday Steph had a bridal shower in the AM, but when she got back we met up with LauRenn at the NoBo Funpark to take advantage of some groupons - 36 holes of mini golf, 2 rounds of go-karting, and some skiball - fun fun fun fun.

For dinner we tried out the new place at 29th Street - ZPizza, and we had a darn good Tuscan pie. After the Sox Cubs game ended, we watched Game of Thrones and Treme.
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