brew crazy
Friday afternoon I went over to Jeff's to help him brew 4 C's IPA for his graduation party. Steph came over after work and then we all ate dinner.
Saturday morning Steph was having brunch in denver and I had the brewing itch so I busted out the burner and cooked up the red ryePA I already had all the ingredients for from my rye kick. The guy at Asher was telling how they boiled everything for 90 minutes instead of 60 because of the altitude. So with this batch, I boiled the malts an extra 20 minutes before the hop additions (I would have gone 30, but I noticed I was running out of propane). I decided to call this batch Red (Sox) RyePA as some good mojo to get them out of their slumping start to the season. I wore my Boston cap and cranked out the Bosstones on the boombox while I brewed. Let's hope it works!

Later that night we grilled these massive italian sausages we picked up at Sunflower. While I grilled, Steph cooked up some green peppers, jalepenos, and habeneros. Put it all on a bun with some provolone and we had pepper bombs - seriously they were darn hot!

Sunday we drove to Breckenridge to scope out this sweet house we wanted to use for our wedding reception, but unfortunately it had no real outdoor yard area. We also checked out some cupcakeries and even found the cafe in Dillon we got lost looking for a few weeks ago.
The brew fest continued on monday when I bottled up my roggenbier, now named Good Rye & Good Luck thanks to Steph.

Theres berts lerke derstgerstering!!!
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