v-day fondue
Wednesday we celebrated valentines with a two course fondue dinner - cheese & oil.

Friday we had a fondue encore with a veggie stock broth, watched most of the A-Team movie until Ruggles spilled wine on Stepha's lappy - yikes!

Saturday we headed up to Winter Park - it was a gorgeous day for skiing but it was crowded as fuck because of presidents day weekend which we totally spaced. So we put in a 1/2 day then hit up Southern Sun for stout month on the way home. Still no Girl Scout Stout on tap - we keep missing that one. Later that night we went to the BIFF to take advantage of my free tix from flyering for the event. On the way we stopped in at Mountain Sun and finally had a GS Stout! The film we saw was a russian one called The Edge about trains in post WWII Siberia. The dvd kept skipping, so about halfway through they finally switched it out for a watermaked version.
Sunday Steph had to study & take an exam, so I played Donkey Kong Country Returns all day. Later that night we sampled a handful of the Mikkeler single hop series.

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