ski honeymoon part 2
After a day off back at home on thursday, we were on our way to Steamboat bright & early friday morning. We went straight to the slopes when we arrived in town. It was a bit overcast and there was still a bunch of pow from the storms earlier in the week. We'd never skied the Boat before so half the fun was exploring the mountain. On one run, I was weaving in and out of the trees and barely missed falling in a stream ditch in a blind spot - if I hadn't turned to avoid that little tree on the left, I would have fallen in about 3 feet.

After a full day, we checked into the condo then headed downtown to grab some pizza. While we waited we watched some ski jumping. By the time we got back Jacq & Andy had arrived. The next morning the whole gang hit the mountain. Another weird foggy day which made the hot tub rewarding when we got off the slopes. We had burritos for dinner, watched the playoff games, shotgunned some beers, and black swanned.

Sunday was short day on the slopes - icey snow fall limited visibility & warmth and we were also exhausted from a week's worth of skiing. Back to the condo in time for the Patriots game which sucked an egg. But at least we had a great dinner of gorgonzola gnocchi then watched the golden globes, and played apples to apples.

Monday we got off to a bit of a late start and got stuck in tunnel traffic for a couple of hours - boo!
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