xmas 09
Went to whole foods at lunch on xmas eve to pick up 5 pounds of mussels for steph's dinner - it was absolute bedlam but I was able to stealth checkout at the custy service desk. Was able to leave work shortly thereafter since it was pretty dead. Had the fam over for a nice dinner with the mussels & homemade frites.

After dinner, Steph & I cleaned up a bit then opened some of our gifts to each other - highlights include homebrew equipment and this slick new rain parka.

For xmas day proper, the clan reconvened over at hillside for breakfast & more presents - some highlights include the new wii system, games, shirts & sweaters, and a vintage broncos pom pom hat. Soon it was time for the best part of the day - our traditional salmon/onion/caper/lettuce plates for the guys meticulously prepared by Paul. Later on, we had a nice ham dinner.

Saturday steph & I braved the hordes and ran errands, ending up the mall to exchange a couple of items and have some lunch at wahoo's. The rest of the weekend was pretty much spent playing wii.
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