neon indian / tigercity
Steph had to study for an exam last night so I decided to check out the new buzz band du jour, Neon Indian, at the Larimer Lounge. It was a late show, and I got there pretty early. The first opener was a local denver band - Achille Loro and they were pretty decent. Next up was Tigercity from brooklyn who looked like they were ready to rock out, but played real mellow 80's friendly jams like a glossier version of MGMT. I dug it.

The lounge was filling up quickly by the time they were done, that place can become a cluster in no time. I kept bumping into this guy who was just like Jason Schwarzman from Bored to Death, or actually any of his roles. Funny stuff, one minute we're chatting, then him and this girl get all flirt-zone, and the next time I see him he's hiding from her. Neon Indian's one man act was was fleshed out live with a bassist, drummer & cutey purple-haried keyboardist. The full band treatment gave the songs a bit more dynamic range and the now over packed crowd was way into it. I was also enjoying the spectacle, but had to bail before it ended because I was exhausted and still had to drive back to milo.

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