ed edwards and the big pink
Sunday we met up with Jacq & Andy at the Lazy Dog to watch football games. Steph got a bowl of ranch dressing poured on her brand new coat by waitress error, luckily she was able to clean it up without much incident. Post games, we strolled pearl street and did some shopping. We had all of t-day week off, so we chilled most of monday before heading into denver for a show later that night. We had dinner at this great homestyle diner place called Stuebens, walking distance from our hotey, then caught a cab to the Larimer Lounge.
It was a late show. The opener, Crystal Antlers, finished their set just after 11, then we had to wait around for over an hour while the Big Pink keyboardist and roadie tried to figure out which of the any one of the dozens of effects boxes/pedals hooked up to the keyboard was preventing it from producing sound. When they finally got it all sorted out, the Big Pink came out in a fog of smoke and strobes and crushed their short but sweet set.
It was pretty late so thank goodness we had a hotey room and did not have to work the next day. We cabbed it back and were watching Firestarter when we got a call from the front desk letting us know that Ed wanted to come up. It was 2.30am at this point, Steph was fast asleep, and we certainly were not expecting any guests. So I asked the desk clerk what Ed's last name was and he responded 'Edwards'. Ahhhh, sure thing - send Ed Edwards right on up!

Too Young to Love
At War with the Sun
Crystal Visions
Count Backwards
These Arms
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