holiday part-ays
Friday after work, I headed to campus to meet up with steph for the dean's holiday party. The food spread was better this year and they had Jubilations. We mingled until about 8-ish then headed home.
Armed with a fresh set of contacts, we headed up to Breck. The snow was decent considering the mountains haven't seen much accumulation. Rode rugs the whole time - no expert terrain was open. Hit the road half-day so we could get ready for our next holiday party. Met up at the nook later that evening, called a cab and joined the crew at Keith & Cheri's for a festive celebration in the newly finished man-cave. Post party we watched a remastered version of Labyrinth.
Sunday while Steph studied for her final, I went over to hillside to decorate the tree with the fam. On the way home, I picked up some Proto's for dinner.

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