where the week went
The power's out at the office, so I figure now is a good time to get everyone caught up before my impending vacation. Let's go backwards, shall we... Last night stephanie prepared the most stellar of dinners, and we took in a viewing of one of the finest feature films ever, 'better off dead'.

I also finally received my transit, and got around to transfering the bts dats. Look for the 7/11 show, along with the brett netson set up on COtapers later tonight.

Spent most of sunday morning packing until we headed over the balsam ladies' abode for another happening brunch. Later in the day, we rounded up the remaining attendees for a pool session back at the wimbeldon just in time for rain. Luckily we were still able to get our swim on for a bit. Later steph and I took in a viewing of the good ol' Lebowski which we missed at the outdoor cinema on friday.
Saturday steph and I rode our bikes down to the farmer's market where we met up with jacq & dylan. Our main goals were to get some fresh mint, and get some lunch action. We succeeded on both counts, and got to witness some burnout get naked and try dance to some live music where a whole bunch of children where gathered. As you can imagine, that did not go over so well with the parents. Police and handcuffs soon followed. Went back to my hut and made up some killer mojitos with the last remaining bottle of rum that j&d brought back from st. kitts that I had been saving for their anniversary. We capped of the day with a feast of Q & margs back at their hut.
Thursday & friday were fairly low-key after a fantastic dinner at the med with stephanie on wednesday...
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