Caught the H Foundation at the shelter on a very rainy saturday night. Well at least caught hipp-e. Halo was likely too preocupied with sundries to bother spinning, making just two appearances behind the decks, sans headphones, twiddling eq's for a spell before disappearing off again all rock star and shit. Some other rock star dj was spinning accross the street which pleasantly kept the crowd down. Standing on the curb waiting for the light to turn on the way home, me & robert had the ol' car-drives-through-a-puddle and soaks-you-to-the-bone thing that only happens in the movies happen to us.
Sunday found me at the balsam ladies' brunch, where I'd hoped to catch the world cup final. Of course they didn't have a tv, so I just wondered about what was going on over there in berlin while skarfing down mimosas, and other breakfast type foods. As it turns out, it was probably better not to have invested my time in cheering on france as zidane brokedown, and they sourly lost in the final shootout.
Late nights on a monday & tuesday really throw off the rest of your week. But it was entirely worth it for the built to spill double header at the fox, capping off the first leg of their current tour. Doug brought back his red strat and was on fire. They openend the show both nights with a drummerless 'car' in honor of Andy Capps, the original bts drummer who passed away on the same day as desmond dekker right before memorial day. Highlights included a couple of brand new tracks, longside a gladiators cover, and a refurbishing of the halo benders track, 'bombshelter part 2', with calvin johnson appearing on the video screen doing the monologue bits. The screen was in use the rest of the show to showcase original art by Mike Scheer, who did the cover artwork for the latest bts disc, as well as the three treepeople albums from wayback. Dude has a lot of art.
Brett Netson was on third guitar duties again, and also opened the show both nights with Erin Jorgenson accompanying on marimba, Jim Roth on lap steel. The second night he opened with 'opel'in honor of Syd Barrett's passing, and the performance featured a special appearance by Doug on the melodica for the last tune. Mike B has the first night up on CO Tapers already, and although my tapes turned out great, my HHB crapped out on me so there will be a bit of a delay in my getting them out there for consumption.
Here's the Jay Vollmar print from the nights:

-fraction of the sum-
Thank you Tim for swingin' by to pick up the dats to transfer!
Ooops. I guess my 48's got played back at 41.1, so it's back to the drawing board...
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