study break
I rode my bike to the hill:

Grabbed a table on the patio at the sink:

My partners in crime for the evening:

Tried a new kind of beer, which was a pretty tasty dark ale:

Destination - the fox for a sold out show:

Lady sovereign opened the night, and boy was she drunk. The altitude nailed her. She blagged just about every tune, forgetting lines and just screaming a lot. It eventually turned into S.O.V. comedy hour as she just talked card shit to the crowd:

Ah yes, and then the streets hit the stage. I caught 'em a few years back, and they were great then, but I may have to be so bold as to say they were even better tonight. Spot on with everything, we even heard some brief covers by the artic monkeys, pussycat dolls, and jimi hendrix sneak their way into the set. Everyone up front got free brandy during that one track about brandy, including the girl who mike convinced to snowball her friend with the shot she just took:

Everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves as well:

The ride home:

-pushing forward-
p.s. The arctic monkeys still suck.
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