birthday surfer tengo
Steph's b-day was Tuesday, so we began the celebration on wednesday with a fancy dinner at L'Atelier. Thursday I planned on going to a New Belgium tasting at a local coffee shop only to find it was closed... for good. Bummer, because they were going to be giving out those nice tulip glasses.
Grabbed a quick pizza pizza for dinner friday on the way home, watched an ep of Sons of Anarchy (we're finally on the second season so we can watch on demand), then hit the road to denver for the Butthole Surfers show at the Ogden. It was freakishly cold for October and the crazies were out in full force. Some guy repeatedly bumped our car while he was trying to parallel park, even after I mentioned to him that he was doing so. And unbeknownst to us at the time, Lauren's car got broken into and her purse stolen (They were down the street at another show at the Fillmore). Physic Ills opened the show with a nice droney swirl of psychedelia. During the break we were treated to the Price Is Right Theme song on a loop until the Surfers hit the stage with fervor - Paul Leary pretty much owns guitar face. The screen backdrop was a constant barrage of B horror film clips, and other random imagery, perhaps most oddly disturbing of which was a little girl competing one of those cup stacking competitions. Nary a break between songs, the intensity never let up. Both King Coffey and Teresa Nervosa were on drums. I'd never seen her perform with the Surfers before, since she quit in 1989 and my first show wasn't until the next year. She looked like a zombie, yet freakishly familiar. Indeed she was the papsmear pusher in Slacker, as well as the poster model.

100 Million People are Dead
BBQ Pope
Pittsburgh to Lebanon
Cowboy Bob
Negro Observer
Bong Song
Creep in the Cellar
I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas
Goofy's Concern
To Parter
Dancing Fool
Gary Floyd
Who Was in my Room Last Night
22 going on 23
Cartoon Song
The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey's Grave
Lou Reed
Head on over to DIME to grab a copy of the show.
It started snowing on the way down 36. When we got home, I had some more pizza and watched a rather demented movie from the 80's called Party Animal.
Steph's training was cancelled because of the snow so we took most of the day to unpack/organize things - my music room was massively uncouth. Later that evening we picked up Lauren & Renn since Laur's car window was busted and headed back to colfax. Checked in to the Ramada, then walked over to that nearby mexican place we always wind up going to. Had dinner, then hung out for a while watching the rest of the CU / Texas game which we would have won... if the game had ended at the half. Back at the Ogden for the Yo La Tengo show, a much more sedate scene than the previous night. Yo La delivered the goods as they do so eloquently, leaning heavily on new material while peppering the show with some classics & covers.

yo la set:
Periodically Double Or Triple
All Your Secrets
Pass the Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind
Avalon or Someone Very Similar
Tears are in Your Eyes
Stockholm Syndrome
Tired Hippo
If It's True
Here To Fall
Tom Courtenay
When It's Dark
The Whole of the Law
From a Motel 6
False Alarm
Nothing to Hide
More Stars Than There Are In Heaven
Nuclear War
Be Thankful For What You've Got
encore 2:
(surfy instrumental)?
Sometimes I Don't Get You
Can't Forget
Sunday before we left town we had breakfast at Dozens. After we dropped off Lauren & Renn, we stopped by the Army Surplus store and I picked up some flannel pants for loungin. Then we stopped in Mountain Sun to try out their 'Temperance' - an american-belgo style bronze medal winner we missed at the GABF. Picked up my drum kit at hillside. While we were there, Steph found that Vangelis record in my crates that my dad lent me years ago and wanted back because of some song that was used for a wine commercial. Got home and watched the Broncos remain undefeated, cleaned up the hut, and eventually passed out watching the Rox game which ended in a disappointing loss.
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