Grabbed dinner with steph at Half-Fast then hit up the Modest Mouse show at the Fillmore last night. We lucked out with some $5 ticket promotional code a friend of mine gave me (service fees were $8.50 per - redonk, but still a bargain). Corked an Issaquah White Frog Ale in honor of Isaac, then headed over to Sancho's to kill some time before the show. We had to meet Lauren & Renn on the street because Lauren brought her bus pass instead of her driver's license and could not get into Sancho's. Luckily they let her in the Fillmore. A solid show of material culled mainly from their last two albums with a few classics thrown in for good measure. Some idiot threw a bottle at Issac during 'Dramamine', thank F it was likely their last song anyway because he was understandably irate.

Satellite Skin
Black Cadillacs
Gravity Rides Everything
Missed the Boat
Doin’ the Cockroach
Float On
Shit Luck
Baby Blue Sedan
Satin in a Coffin
Tiny Cities Made of Ashes
Interstate 8
Parting of the Sensory
Fire it Up
The View
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