birthday redux
Friday after work we all met up at Scotch Corner for my birthday dinner with the fam. After some fish & chips we split up, some of us going to Bart's and the ladies to Tahona. Then we headed over to Catacombs to check out Sickboy which was pretty fun-filled. At one point the mic was pointed in my direction during some 80's song / break core mashup and I miraculously knew the verse. I say miraculously because I cannot for the life of me recall what song it was.

Saturday we slept in at steph's empty house, awaking to some deer in the yard.

Later on we met up at jacq's, saddled up on bikes and rode over to the nearby Bike Party. We didn't know many people there but amused ourselves as grill masters for a while.

When the keg was kicked around 8-ish, we rode back to the nook for some pizzas and general zaniness.

Crashed at the nook then hit up the Buff again for brunch on sunday. Regrouped at milo before venturing off to the Weber family picnic in Evergreen. Due to the stormy weather it became an indoor gathering, but we chowed down nonetheless and made it back to Lafayette for Mad Men.
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