a dandy weekend
Friday I swung by steph's for some apres work, then headed home to do homework. Finished up my assignment saturday morning, then steph came over after her 24 miler. We watched the Buffs down in jacksonville against Florida State. Lauren came over a while after that and we all headed into denver and met up with renn at the hornet for dinner. Then it was off to the gothic. Got there right at the end of the opener, the Upsidedown, who were decent. Darker My Love was up next and they were swell, all psychedelic rock and such, almost like a glamier version of the Black Angels. I've been digging their latest album recently. Funny, though, I pictured them older and more 'LA rocker' than they actually were in person.

Lauren was determined to be way down front, so we were. Luckily it wasn't overcrowded down on the floor like the last time I saw the Dandys - that was a cluster. Tonight we had plenty of room to shake and shimmy. They grooved through one kick ass set, as selected by zia, clocking in at just under 2 hours. I was kind of bummed they didn't have the horns with them this time around, but they still rocked the party party, so no worries.

We Used to be Friends
I Love You
Then I Dreamt of Yes
The Last High
Now You Love Me
(Tony, this Song is Called) Lou Weed
Bohemian Like You
Get Off
Welcome to the Third World
Not if You were the last Junkie on Earth
Wasp in the Lotus
(You Come In) Burned
The New Country
Be In
Boys Better
Country Lever
Sunday we chilled at milo, watched the broncos lose, went for a run around waneka, and headed to the Fish Factory in denver for steph's mom's 70th birthday.
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