sound tribe september 6
Last friday was fairly uneventful, I stayed in and worked on a paper. I get a lot done friday nights for some reason, maybe because they are still pretty festive even if you're doing school work. I did some more work saturday morning then headed over to the bear to meet up with the rest of the gang and head to red rocks for the STS9 show. We got there pretty early and had a front row parking spot in the upper lot where we grilled out and participated in general merriment.

Got inside in time to catch the opener, Ghostland Observatory, who were novel enough but played a bit too long. Soon enough sound tribe took the stage and played a strong first set, clocking in at just under an hour, of mostly newer material. During intermission, Bassnectar djed 'in the round' up behind the soundboard, but I missed most of his set while I was getting some frosty brews. The second set owned, lots of heady jams, crispy goodies, and tasty sauce - hahaha! They closed with an excellent 'Baraka', and we all headed into the night. Well, we really just headed home, but it was really dark.

set 1:
New Soma
Ramone & Emiglio
Beyond Right Now
Looking Back On Earth
set 2:
Moon Socket
Shock Doctrine
You can preview/buy the soundboards from the STS9 store.
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