cinquo de jenno
Jenn was nice enough to host a cinquo de party on friday. If there was a record player, it would have made that scratching sound that happens in movies when something shocking happens right as we walked in. It was hard to tell if we were about to become the life of the party or had just killed it. Either way it didn't matter, as we came armed with plenty of tequila, longside my nifty new blender, and immediately took control of the boombox. The random hand grenade crew were swimming in a mess of who knows what as they lavished in what seemed like hours of sippy cup competition - theriously. Luckily we bailed just in time to escape from becoming the target of the nutter stealing rims off parked cars out front. Somehow a hangover was avoided thanks largely to a few of the tasty rice, queso, pepper dealios featured below.

We all reconvened saturday afternoon for a stroll along pearl street, hitting up rhumba, then taking some in kentucky derby regalia at the newly renovated west end rooftop. After napping vigorously, I joined the gang as we headed back to denver to visit derr at cru.
Sunday was all about the siesta.
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