appropriately propped
The brothers chaps gave me props, in the form of a p.s., in the latest Strong Bad email:

Until the robbler sends me some of the photos from the weekend, this will have to satiate your desire for visual stimulus.
As expected, and appropriately corrected, I did leave a few albums off my *best of 2004* list:
.: bjork - Medulla (although it's a solid effort, I would likely find myself reaching for her previous endeavors when the mood struck)
.: iron & wine - Our Endless Numbered Days (just spaced this one completely, honest)
.: savath & savalas - Apropra'T (another earlier in the year release I forgot)
.: her space holiday - Young Machines Remixed (just found out that marc b. had his classic from last year re-worked)
.: luna - Rendevouz (it's growing on me, although this could possibly be masked sentimentality due to it being their swan song and all)
Yesterday's day off leaves me exalting my accolades of Wes Anderson and his merry Life Aquatic w/ Steve Zissou. Go see this. I'll go see it again with you. Seu George has taken Bowie to another level. Even Bud Cort, whom you may remember from Harold & Maude, makes an appearance as the bank bond stooge. I could go on, but I won't so that this doesn't become a spoiler piece.
As far as new year resolutions go, I have decided upon two:
1. Spend more time with martin. I have neglected the poor fellow over the past year.
2. Read more, preferably in book form. I welcome your suggestions.
-encouraging the new history, nephew-
Excellent. Looking forward to seeing those.
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