the great american weekend
Yo Joe! Had the all american date on friday night. Started with a greasy, indigestion inducing meal at chili's (not recommended) but capping it off with the premiere of the G.I. Joe live action film (recommended). Mostly action, with a little cheese applied to hold it all together. Similar to the comics & cartoon which I used to dig, so it was cool to see how the evil cobra empire came to be.

Steph made a killer pancake breakfast saturday morning after I went to Albertson's and back three times for no good reason. Must have lost my thinking cap. Headed over to her place later , had a big pasta dinner and watched some John Hughes films (16 Candles & Vacation). Got up mega early on sunday for steph's last triathalon of the summer - a 1/2 ironman (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run).

As the day approached regular morning hours, more folks came to watch the festivities. I had found a great spot to watch right next to the bike dismount. People dismounted with a variety of different techniques and speeds - some worked, many were not so graceful. Probably the most action packed segment of the tri.

During steph's run we spent a good portion of our time in Avery's complimentary beer garden.

After steph's triumphant finish, we swam for a bit and tried our luck on the tandem which is more difficult than it looks.

Eventually we packed up and mowed down some chicken wings at steph's then grabbed a pizza on the way to my place and hit the hay pretty early.
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