Tried to get dinner at Southern Sun friday night, but the wait was over an hour so we went to ¡Ajuua! again. We also made the mistake of getting a full pitcher of pomegranate margs, which we wound up practically chugging after we finished eating. Got back to steph's and watched Hellboy II, then called it a night. Up bright and early Saturday to hit up Keystone with greg & lisa. Tried out a new breakfast joint up there which made great paninis and was way less crowded then the coffee shop we usually go to. The snow was a bit crunchy first thing, but then softened up as the sun did it's thing. We spend most of the time in the outback, and even hiked up to the bowls, which was pretty cool.

Got back to steph's and geared up for her 'White Elephant' party, which had a great turnout and was loads of fun. I unloaded a tacky snowglobe, and wound up with these random toys pictured below and some silly puddy, which got tossed around and is now loaded with cat hair.

Sunday I did some homework in the morning, and then we went and saw Slumdog Millionaire. Excellent film and soundtrack! I loved the way the host said "mil-un-air" - it cracked me up every time. Got back to my place in time to catch the second half of the superbowl which was actually compelling. I was kind of pulling for the Cards being the underdogs and all, but the Steelers sure made a great come back at the end.
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