vail meatstick reduxe
Steph & I had date night at ¡Ajuua! on Friday, and we hit up Vail on Saturday, which was awesome. My vindication for missing out over NYE. And I picked up the wild game meatsticks that I had left at the condo. Steph almost launched a cliff by accident, kind of in the same area where she fractured her tibia last year - we should prolly stay away from 'dragon's teeth'. Afterwards, we headed back to Milo and watched tele the rest of the night. Sunday I cranked out a paper, and steph helped with some research which was awesome. Then she made a veal stuffed meatball extravaganza. We woke up to a snow storm on Monday, completely unexpected by the weather people, so the morning drive took forever.

Here's a festive panorama from the 'sunrise/sunset' bowls:

powder hoOOound! WOOF!
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