Friday after work we headed down to colfax and checked into the beat up ramada we occasionally call home, costumed up, then walked over to Tres Margaritas to grab dinner with some of greg's pals. After dinner and a round of mega-ritas, we went to that hippy bar over by the fillmore for a round before heading over to the Ogden for Girl Talk. Colfax was kind of crazy as there was a Leftover Salmonella show at the Fillmore as well - everyone was dressed up. We got to the Ogden just as the non-remarkable opener was finishing up and got a place down near the front.

Steph & I soon vacated for a space up in the balcony where we could at least dance with a brew in hand and avoid bumping into the way pilled up kiddies. Girl Talk worked the crowd well, mixing in a similar style to his discs, and effectively created an hour long encore of craziness as seen here in this accidental video steph took:
We tried to get a pizza after the show, but didn't quite work out, so we stocked up on gas station nutrition, and goofed around in the hotey room until we passed out. Saturday we headed back to milo, steph made a kick ass breakfast pizza and we just hung out, watched some movies & tele, etc. Sunday I worked on my final group paper & presentation for this class and picked up my weight bench from hillside for a study break.
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