les chem bros
Denver has seen a good share of big name electronic acts pass through recently. Last night we were privvy to a visit from the Chemical Brothers. Stephanie had a test, so she met me down at the fillmore after the opener, the Faint, who never cease to not amaze me. She was the lucky one. It baffles me how these guys are popular. I suppose they are somewhat revolutionary, if it was still 1983. The brothers Chem had quite the racks of gear and a nifty lcd mesh backdrop and lots of lasers, certainly more ellaborate than when I first caught them twiddling knobs downstairs at the Masquerade at 3 am (but not nearly as jaw-dropping as the brothers Daft, the new litmus test for light shows). Regardless, it was a block rockin' good time and by the end of the night I was up in the front row pumping my fist like I was at an AC/DC concert. I had 'The Golden Path' stuck in my head this morning, but I decided to make it into a country song when I sang it instead - "Please forgive me, I never meant to beat you."

Oh yeah, and about halfway through the 2 hour show during 'star guitar' they blew a fuse and the music came to a screeching halt for 5 minutes or so, not unlike that scene from Airplane where the guy unplugs the runway lights. The visuals of lots of close ups of eyeballs kept on going though which was kind of creepy with dead silence. This is an approximate setlist:
No Path To Follow
Burst Generator
Do it Again
Get Yourself High
Hey Boy, Hey Girl
All Rights Reversed
Krafty Numbers
Out Of Control
Don't Fight Control
Temptation / Star Guitar
Surface To Air
Under The Infuence
We Are The Night
Acid Children
Chemical Beats
Golden Path
Leave Home
Block Rockin Beats
Das Spiegel
The Sunshine Underground
got a brain like bubblegum, blowing up my cranium
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