birthday week comes to a close
To round out my 'birthday week' on friday, stephanie came over and cooked up a slammin' b-day dinner which consisted most notably of swordfish kabobs and a killer app spread. She also got me a kick ass clock radio!

The next morning stepnaie was running a triathalon way out in aurora. She had to be there pretty early and left directions for me to get there later around teh time when she was finishing so we could have a picnic at the res where it was held. But I'll be damned if mapquest didn't just make up a key road name and drove around for 3 hours instead. A total bust, so no pix of her glorious finish unfortunately. We met back at my place later and went to the pool instead and watched Zodiac which was pretty good. Sunday we ran some errands then hit up pearl street for a beer here and a beer there. Stephanie also had some credit at the urban outfitters and got me a nice shirt with pearl snaps. Pearly.
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