birthday weekend
Left work around 2.30 on wednesday to help lauren move a couch into her new place. From there it was off to the airport to pick up jay who was visiting through the weekend. Had a casual evening grilling out, having some brews, and watching taladega nights. Shake and bake.
Thursday we headed over to the Louisville park to take advantage of the 3 regulation clay bocce courts. Some kids saw us playing and were amazed that this is what the courts were actually intended for, then they derived the greatest joy for reffing. It's handy having a ref when you've got chromed out boules and you are throwing from 30 odd feet away. After a few rounds we met up with dylan and headed to denver for the rockies/cubs game. Pre-game we did happy hour at old chicago's then rio where we met up with joaquin & andy. We tried to get to the stadium early since they were giving our stadium blankets to the first 10,000 fans, but they opened the gates way too early. The rox did not bring their A-game, and we got behind pretty quick. Then I saw this bug on the edge of the railing - it was huge like some kind of foreign locust or something so I flicked it and it flew out over the rail then zoomed back in again and wound up in some kid's lap. No one knew what was going on.

Friday we went to the pool then downtown to get some mexican grub. Later on we heade into boulder to pick up a keg of sunshine wheat and drop it off at dylan's so it had time to settle overnight, then we met up at stephanie's for some dinner before heading to the downer for bevys with the ladies.

Saturday stephanie made us a kick ass breakfast, then we heade back to my hut to grab our party favors/toys before heading over to jacq's to watch the red sox game and tap the keg with the CO² tap. Well, good ol' Fox TV changed up the game on us, so instead of watching the sox, we played extreme yard bocce for as many hours while people slowly started filtering in for my birthday bbq. Merriment was had by all and teh party favors were a hit. We even had a somewhat ridiculous game of water balloon catch with balloons that were too strong to break. I woke up in a lawn chair in the miidle of the night with the boombox cranked and the cd skipping. Ahhhh to be 33.

Sunday after I dropped jay off at the airport, I headed back to jacq's so we could finish the keg. We put brought the tv outside so we could catch the rockies game, and then matt joined us and we played yet another few rounds of extreme yard bocce.

full on bocce action!
fortunately, amy didn't get into any fights with her hubby, or self-inflict any injury!
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